Felipe Tristán - The First Step


Felipe Tristán has worked with orchestras around the world, including in countries such as Germany, Canada, China, the United States, Panama, the Czech Republic, and Switzerland. In 2023, he was invited as guest conductor of the Met Gala with an orchestra comprised of musicians from some of the top orchestras in the New York area.

Director & DP: Peter Logue

Editor: Alex Burnett

Produced by: Tailwind Media


The ReelEarth Collection:

The ReelEarth collection is a co-produced group of international documentary short films led by Compass Light Productions

On the shores of Lake Lolog, nestled deep in a remote part of Argentina’s Lanin National park, stands a cabin. Inside Iván Moricz Karl carefully paints a portrait of a rare and colorful Patagonian bird. At 80 years old, Iván has lived in this cabin for 37 years with little to no electricity, and firewood as his only source of warmth during the brutal winters. Using his VHF radio, he keeps in contact with his son, Victor Iván, and his daughter-in-law, Franca, who send him photos of his infant grandson whenever they can. Inspired by nature, Iván’s goal has been to paint every bird in Patagonia. How does he feel knowing that he has precious few years remaining, and what kind of a legacy is he hoping to leave behind?

The Painter in the Woods


Director / Director of Photography: Nico Muñoz

Assistant Director: Joaquín Zaldivar

Producers: Eli Kao, Brooke Sais

Co-Producers: Josh Povec, Camille Gunderson

Editor: Alex Burnett

Special Thanks: Iván Moricz Karl, Victor Iván Karl, Franca Noel Ortiz, Alejandrino Guerra, El Mano Films, Delfina Armendares

Executive Producer: David Conover

Zambia, with its breathtaking national parks, and unspoilt wilderness, has a tremendous amount of natural resources, but still faces increasing threats to its environment. Charcoal production is a major driver of illegal deforestation in Zambia. Zambia has seen an estimated loss of 8.9% of forest cover from 2002-2021. 

A young Zambian police officer, Septiya Muhando, gets off work in Lusaka each day. In his case, it is when he takes off his uniform that he becomes the real superhero: his alter ego is a start-up entrepreneur fighting deforestation by spreading the gospel of “green charcoal.” Septiya believes that green charcoal made from grass and agricultural waste can help slow the rate of deforestation in Zambia. But he must convince traditional charcoal vendors and customers alike to adopt his innovation. If Septiya succeeds, he will be setting an example of one way to address deforestation, all the while still supporting his family.

Faith is the Fuel in Zambia


Directors: Jessie Chisi, Becky Ngoma

Director of Photography: Jackson Nyirenda

Sound: Revo Nicholas Nyirenda

Producers: Eli Kao, Josh Povec

Co-Producers: Brooke Sais, Camille Gunderson

Editor: Alex Burnett

Special Thanks: Septiya Muhandu, Maureen Nsanganyi, Lombe Chibesakunda, Bishop Harrison Sakala

Executive Producer: David Conover

A Return to Her Roots: In the Middle Atlas


In the small village of Aderj, children and young adults are forced to leave their native land for bigger cities in order to pursue higher education and economic opportunity. But more often than not, eventually they find themselves compelled to return home—to return to their roots. This is especially true for Maria Ibn Jellal, who splits her time between her life in France and her entrepreneurial pursuits back home in Aderj. Following in her father’s footsteps, she seeks to stimulate the economy of her hometown by starting an olive oil business in the hopes that one day Aderj will have an economy large enough to keep families together.

Director / Director of Photography: Spencer Wolff

Producers: Eli Kao, Brooke Sais

Co-Producers: Josh Povec, Camille Gunderson

Associate Producer: Vivienne Predock

Editor: Alex Burnett

Special Thanks: Maria Ibn Jellal, Lahcen Ibn Jellal, Sonia Ibn Jellal, Fatma Driss, Rahma, The Village of Aderj

Executive Producer: David Conover

How is it possible that a man, with no studies, has conquered the sky? Deep in the Spanish countryside, amongst the emptiness of villages at the brink of extinction, lives a shepherd named Joaquín Tapioles. However, Joaquín has become known by another name: The Galactic Shepherd. Above his sheep enclosure stands an observatory centered around a 406mm telescope, constructed completely by his own two hands. With his telescope Joaquin observes the sky, sharing his passion for the stars with anyone who visits, Joaquín is showing the world that rural Spain has much to offer those seeking to witness the majesty of space.

The Galactic Shepherd


Director: Anuska Ariztimuño

Director of Photography: Juan Palacios

Producers: Eli Kao, Brooke Sais

Associate Producers: Josh Povec, Camille Gunderson, Vivienne Predock

Editor: Alex Burnett

Special Thanks: Joaquín Tapioles, Samija Yasimi, Inocencio Huerga, Bar El Pozo, The Residents of San Agustín del Pozo

Executive Producer: David Conover

Commercial Documentary

Neal Parker recounts his journey to becoming the artist and business owner he is today. After struggling in school, Neal eventually discovered his passion for woodworking and transformed his life. He now runs his own furniture making business—Ginger Woodworks—and also teaches woodworking classes. Neal’s story is one that most can relate to, and hopefully draw inspiration from.

Ginger Woodworks

Commercial Documentary

Director / Director of Photography / Editor: Alex Burnett

Producer: Neal Parker

Peregrine Turbine Technologies

Commercial Documentary

Peregrine Turbine Technologies is a company designing breakthrough technologies in the field of accessible and sustainable energy. These technologies have the opportunity to change the world, and this documentary short showcases the people who are putting in the hard work to make it happen,

Produced by: Tailwind Media

Editor: Alex Burnett

CTE Success Stories: Nicki Fowlie

Commercial Documentary

Maine CTE offers high school students free opportunities to explore their interests and find their passion before entering the workforce. This documentary short explores the story of one such student,

Produced by: Tailwind Media

Editor: Alex Burnett